Evil Dead - the Musical
Now it's time to die, you old hag...You found me, beautiful one....Honey, you got real ugly
I'm not a killer,
I'm an S-Mart .....employeeeeeeeeeeeeee
And to kill a coworker
Is against .....company policyyyyyyyyyyy
But you tried to kill me.... and now we must say good BYEEEEEEEEE
I'm sorry Lindaaaa but NOOOOOOOOOOOOW.... you must DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
DIE, DIE...Oh, DIE, Oh, DIE (Chainsaw buzzing)
Ayreon e nimic. King Diamond is a pussy. Shit man, daca vad spectacolu asta pot muri impacat. Deocamdata ma multumesc cu soundtrackul care e de fapt un fel de teatru radiofonic cu mai multa muzica. O veritabila rock opera cu elemente de vodevil, gospel si influentze King Diamond, undeva intre Ayreon si The Rocky Horror Show cu o muzica fantastica si versuri bulversante.
Asculta aici una din piesele de rezistentza, All the men in my life are getting killed by candarian demons. Un sample video aici, din piesa What the fuck was that, genial titlu. Look who's evil now e un veritabil headbanger, Do the Necronomicon e cu coruri gotice superbe, insa balada demonului dispensabil e complet sfashietoare. Incredibil ce-a facut artishtii astia.
Now we'll take that chainsaw and we'll shove it up your Ash!
1 comment:
Inca ma intreb de ce Raimi si Bruce Campbell nu si-au mai dat mainile pentru un ''Ressurection'', mai ales ca The Army of Darkness lasa loc de o noua continuare...(un film normal ar fi lasat putin suspans, dar in Evil Dead totul era posibil).
Musicalul e facut de un grup de studenti canadieni, nu ?
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